The Saturday 5th of May a new step forward was given to push the Vigo’s Bay Industrial Heritage!!
The group that we have joined from Vigopesqueiro, we had the opportunity to know that in every corner of our Bay is hidden a deep industrial history that it becomes possible thanks to the businessmen that with cunning brought to these towns all those innovation.
The tour was guided by Manuel Lara, president of “Buxa” galician association for industrial heritage, and we have been on board a ship of “Piratas de Nabia” company.
Por departure point and arrival was the Maritime Station of Vigo.
We leaved at 11.00 a.m, and during a couple of hours we enjoyed the industrial heritage from the sea. It was a sunny day so the tour was really pleasantJ
In this occasion we were shown the heritage of the Northern area of the Bay: Vulcano’s factory, Virci canning factory , Pescanova, the fish-salting company of A Portela Quarter, San Simon Island or Regojo’s clothing industry were some of the resource that we knew about.
From FUNDAMAR and their Project “Vigo Pesqueiro” we’ll carry on with our aim to introduce our unique and beautiful heritage, moreover to help to diversify, de-seasonalise and boost tourism products
Would you like to join in the next visit?
Here you can have all the information:
Telf. 610 312 685//e-MAIL: