Last month of July, we presented what was only a project. Vigo PEsqueiro was getting closer to the assembly hall of Fundamar/ARVI to be shown to the turistic and fishing industry of our city for the first time.
In a split shift, we started the morning with an informative talk to present this new industrial turism product for all the members of the fishing industry, who we wanted to make participants of the project.
An exhibition of our objectives and our program was made to carry it out.
Turism city councillor, Ana Laura iglesias and the CEO of Fundamar, Javier touza were the persons in charge of introducing the project.
Jose A. Marcote, technical assistent, talked about the sucessful examples on the development of other similar products, accompanied by the vocals of Fundamar, Manuel Bastón from CCOO y José Luis Figueroa from UGT.
The afternoon session, was managed by the turism, leisure and hotel industry companies.
In the case of Fundamar, the manager, María Caldeiro, the vocal and the representative of UGT, José Luis Figueroa, supported to Alexandra Touza, technical assistant of the project.